Lei de inovação tecnológica: críticas e contribuições


  • Carlos Cortez Romero


Law of innovation; Competitiveness; Education; Business men; Hard working


The Law of Technological Innovation sent to the National Congress, in August 2002, establishes incentive measures to research and innovation, objectifying overcome necks to the innovation, stimulate scientific and technological endeavor, reach for competitiveness and the conquest of external markets. This article aims to contribute with the referred Law marking fields and themes not considered. Among others, emphasizes that the importance of investing in human resources does not restrict to the fact that in this form, it´s possible to contribute in the formation of the equality and of solidarity, but also because it creates economic rationality, because the education and the training in the long term constitute the most important catalytic forces of the technical progress, competitiveness and of development.


Não há dados estatísticos.



Como Citar

Cortez Romero, C. (2002). Lei de inovação tecnológica: críticas e contribuições. Boletim Técnico Do Senac, 28(2), 34–43. Obtido de https://bts.senac.br/bts/article/view/542




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