At a crossroads and without a compass: an overview of the effectiveness and challenges facing secondary education in England


  • Anthony McNamara



Secondary education, Underperformance, Public provision, School leadership, Curriculum changes, Assessment, OFSTED, Teaching profession, Crisis, Recruitment, Retention, Discontinuity, National Common Core Curriculum, OECD, Best practice


This overview of secondary education in England covers aspects of provision including types of schools, recent curriculum changes and assessment to student progress and attainment. It describes the impact of the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) and the situation regarding recruitment, career progression and retention in teaching. It draws on government and research documents, besides leading stakeholders, to show why the system is to be fragmented, directionless, underperforming and accentuating inequality. The section about Brazil outlines the challenges and strengths of both education systems and the importance of investing in the teaching profession.


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How to Cite

McNamara, A. (2018). At a crossroads and without a compass: an overview of the effectiveness and challenges facing secondary education in England. Senac Journal of Education and Work, 44(2).



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