Migration of presential teaching for distance education: qualitative study of cognitive retention in the Flight Instructors Preparation Course


  • Paulo Roberto Cursino dos Santos
  • Letícia Veiga Vasques
  • Pedro dos Santos Portugal Júnior




Teaching method, Distance education, Brazilian Air Force, Instruction Group


The work analyzes the migration from face-to-face education to distance learning among students of the Flight Instructors Preparation Course, taught by the Tactical and Specialized Instruction Group. The qualitative approach to retaining knowledge is necessary because of the modernization of the Aeronautics Teaching System. The objective was achieved through bibliographic review and comparative study between editions of the same course, for which identical evaluations were applied. The analysis corroborates the hypothesis of qualitative gain in the cognitive retention of students who took the course in distance mode.


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How to Cite

Cursino dos Santos, P. R., Veiga Vasques, L., & dos Santos Portugal Júnior, P. (2020). Migration of presential teaching for distance education: qualitative study of cognitive retention in the Flight Instructors Preparation Course. Senac Journal of Education and Work, 46(1). https://doi.org/10.26849/bts.v46i1.798

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