Mobile in the hand and the camera’s click: “What does the IFTO in Colinas represent for me?”


  • Rosária Helena Ruiz Nakashima
  • Katiucia da Silva Nardes



TPACK, Digital technologies, Pedagogical practice


This article presents the discussion of research results, whose objective was to establish relations of the content of digital technologies with pedagogical knowledge, based on the explanatory model of teaching action: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The field of analysis was the Computing in Education, Licentiate course in Computing of the Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) in Colinas do Tocantins. Grants are offered for planning teacher education, articulated to the goals and strategies of the National Education Plan (PNE) and the National Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Nakashima, R. H., & da Silva Nardes, K. (2019). Mobile in the hand and the camera’s click: “What does the IFTO in Colinas represent for me?”. Senac Journal of Education and Work, 45(1).

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